Spaghetti Westerns fans visit Playa Monsul

by Ray
(Suffolk, UK)

Monsul Beach November 2008

Monsul Beach November 2008

Back in November 2008 I met up with two friends who like me enjoy visiting movie locations in Spain. I drove up from Málaga and my friends were waiting for me in the badlands of Tabernas where we visited many of the ramblas used in countless westerns and other movies made in the deserts and mountains of Almería.

After lunch we headed down to San Jose and then from there to Monsul beach. This beach is probably most famous for the scene in the third Indiana Jones movie (Last Crusade) where Sean Connery scares a large number of sea birds causing them to fly into the path of a plane. It also featured in many many more movies, it is instantly recognisable from the large rock at one end of the beach.

The sea there is beautifully clear and the sand smooth and golden. So even if you're not there for the movie locations you can just enjoy a wonderful beach!

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Jun 24, 2010
Monsul beach is our favourite beach too..
by: Anonymous

Thanks Ray! This is truly one of the best beaches. It is almost our second 'home' and it is becoming more and more popular, specially amongst local people too.


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